Programming Database Applications - Program
- SQL Server Configuration and connection strings. SQLConnection, SQLCommand, SQLDataReader. Select, Insert, Update, Delete.
- Displaying SQL Servers, databases, tables, fields. Creating databases and tables. Factory Providers.
- SQL injection, SQLCommand parameters. Stored procedures. MARS, Configuration files.
- Entity Framework. Database First.
- Entity Framework. Code First.
- Dapper.
- SQL Transactions in ADO.NET and in Entity Framework.
- CLR Stored Procedures.
- Joins and Aggregates in SQL
- Joins and Aggregates in LINQ
- Repository Pattern and Unit of Work.
- Introduction to SQL Server Data Mining.
Content available for everyone / Materiały dostępne dla wszystkich
- SQL Server Configuration and connection strings. SQLConnection, SQLCommand, SQLDataReader. Select, Insert, Update, Delete
- SQL injection, SQLCommand parameters. Stored procedures. MARS, Configuration files
- Entity Framework Tutorial
- Dapper Tutorial
- ADO.NET Dapper Entity Framework Performance
- SQL Transactions
- MVVM Quick Start Tutorial
The file submission system is active only in the last 15 minutes of the lab. The file submission system is active only in the last 15 minutes of the lab. The file submission system is active only in the last 15 minutes of the lab. The file submission system is active only in the last 15 minutes of the lab. The file submission system is active only in the last 15 minutes of the lab. The file submission system is active only in the last 15 minutes of the lab. The file submission system is active only in the last 15 minutes of the lab. The file submission system is active only in the last 15 minutes of the lab.